
Issue: Moldova has had an Association Agreement, including a free trade component, with the EU since 2014. The next step in the integration process, accelerated sharply by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, was…
This article is available in the Romanian version.
„Tabăra de educație financiară”, preconizată anul acesta pentru perioada 7-10 august a ajuns la a IV-a ediție. Este un eveniment pe care Banca Națională a Moldovei îl desfășoară în perioada estivală, în parteneriat cu  Centrul…
The Independent Think-Tank Expert-Grup, as lead partner, in partnership with the Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE), the Institutum Virtutes Civilis (IVC), and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation organizes event of the "Civil Society for…
The Independent Think-Tank "Expert-Grup" and the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection in partnership with the Soros Foundation Moldova organizes a public event aimed at presenting the concept of reform of the National Agency for…
Centrul Analitic Independent „Expert-Grup” invită  reprezentanții mass-media la cea de-a 24-a ediție a conferinței MEGA (Moldovan Economic Growth Analysis – Analiza Creșterii Economice a Republicii Moldova) cu titlul: „Economia Moldovei între ecoul războiului și reziliență:…
The Article is available only in Romanian.
The Independent Think-Tank "Expert-Grup" is launching the round table dedicated to the subject of necessary reforms in the state enterprises sector, organized in partnership with Soros Foundation Moldova, with the support of the National Endowment…

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