
Independent Think-Tank Expert-Grup invites all those interested at the conference MEGA “Economic perspectives in an electoral year”. The event will take place on April 25, 2018, starting at 10.00 am, at the Jolly Alon Hotel,…
Independent Think-Tank Expert-Grup, the Association for Participatory Democracy ”ADEPT”, and the Legal Resource Centre of Moldova, are delighted to invite you to the presentation of the final monitoring report of the roadmap of priority reforms…
Centrul Analitic Independent Expert-Grup Vă invită să participați la evenimentul de prezentare a studiului „Eficiența și transparența sistemului de sănătate din Republica Moldova”, elaborat de organizație în cadrul proiectului „Procesul bugetar în Republica Moldova: monitorizarea…
Independent Think-Tank Expert-Grup invites all those interested at the conference MEGA “Conclusions of the economic year 2017 and forecasts for 2018”. The event will take place on December 14, 2017, starting at 13.30 am, at the…
Independent Think-Tank Expert-Grup, the Association for Participatory Democracy ”ADEPT”, and the Legal Resource Centre of Moldova, are delighted to invite you to the presentation of the interim monitoring report of the roadmap of priority reforms…
The Independent Think-Tank Expert-Grup invites all the interested to the round table dedicated to the presentation and discussion of the report “Financial monitor: Analysis of the key reforms in Moldova's financial sector, August - September 2017".…
The Independent Think-Tank Expert-Grup in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung are pleased to invite you to participate in the fifth edition of MACRO Annual International Conference “Moldova of 2030 in Europe of 2030: defining a sustainable development…
The Independent Think-Tank Expert-Grup invites all the interested to the round table dedicated to the presentation and discussion of the report “Financial monitor: Analysis of the key reforms in Moldova's financial sector, May - July…
Centrul Analitic Independent Expert-Grup Vă invită să participați la masa rotundă ce urmărește discutarea modului de utilizare a Fondului Național de Dezvoltare Regională și a impactului acestuia asupra beneficiarilor. Evenimentul va avea loc marți, 11…
Centrul Analitic Independent Expert-Grup în parteneriat cu Fundația Soros-Moldova, Programul Buna Guvernare Vă invita la masa rotundă „Rezultatele monitorizării executării recomandărilor Curții de Conturi pentru anul 2016”. Evenimentul va avea loc joi, 22 iunie 2017,…

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