Natalia Chitii

Natalia Chitii


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Centrul Analitic Independent „Expert-Grup” invită  reprezentanții mass-media la cea de-a 24-a ediție a conferinței MEGA (Moldovan Economic Growth Analysis – Analiza Creșterii Economice a Republicii Moldova) cu titlul: „Economia Moldovei între ecoul războiului și reziliență: prognoze pentru 2023-2024”

Conferința de presă va avea loc joi, 27 aprilie, începând cu ora 14.00, la sediul Expert-Grup, str. Vlaicu Pârcălab 3 , Chișinău (atenție: adresă actualizată). 

În cadrul evenimentului va fi lansată ediția a 24-a a revistei economice MEGA (Moldovan Economic Growth Analysis – Analiza Creșterii Economice a Republicii Moldova), publicație care reprezintă analiza tendințelor macroeconomice și sectoriale conturate pe parcursul anului 2022 și oferă prognoza principalilor indicatori economici pentru anul 2023-2024.  

Conferința va servi și drept platformă de discuții cu reprezentanții mass-media privind cele mai importante evoluții și riscuri economice, inclusiv reforme economice, mediul de afaceri, bunăstarea populației, piața muncii, tendințele inflaționiste, cadrul bugetar, politica monetară, sector financiar și comerț extern. Conferința va putea fi urmărită LIVE pe și pe pagina de facebook: Expert-Grup

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Înregistrare        Agenda

The Independent THink-Tank "Expert-Grup", the Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE) and the Legal Resource Centre of Moldova (CRJM), within the initiative #ThinkTanks4EUMembership, in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in the Republic of Moldova, issued the first shadow report on the Action Plan for the implementation of 9 recommendations of the European Commission in the context of Moldova's EU membership application. 

The #MoldovaEUCandidateCheck report reflects the main findings regarding the progress, constraints, and priorities recommended for each of the 9 commitments undertaken by the Republic of Moldova. The report is the result of an independent monitoring and evaluation exercise of the implementation of the Action Plan, adopted by the National Committee for European Integration, in the period from 1 July 2022 to 31 March 2023 and is based on a methodology focused on quantitative and qualitative assessment.

Experts of the three organizations estimate that the overall average degree of implementation of the 9 commitments is 3.8 out of 5 possible points. Out of the 60 actions assumed by the authorities in the Action Plan related to the 9 commitments, only 14 actions (23.33%) were implemented without deficiencies, while 21 actions (35%) were implemented with certain shortcomings, 23 actions (38.33%) were initiated and have been in the process of implementation, and 2 actions (3.33%) were not initiated yet.

According to the authors, the best rating – 4.66 points – is attributed to the reform aimed at public finance management (commitment 7), where most of the actions have been implemented.

The justice reform (Commitment 1), the implementation of the Venice Commission's recommendations (Commitment 2), the public administration reform (Commitment 6) and the protection of human rights (Commitment 9) were evaluated by 4 points out of 5, which means that most of the planned actions have been implemented with certain shortcomings or have been in the process of implementation.

At the same time, the fight against organised crime (Commitment 5) was assessed with 3.8 out of 5 points, while the fight against corruption (Commitment 3) – with 3.55 points. These ratings indicate that the majority of actions have been initiated but have not been completed by the time of the evaluation.

The largest arrears have been recorded in the area of de-oligarchisation (Commitment 4), which was assessed by 3.3 points out of 5, and cooperation with civil society (Commitment 8), which was assessed by experts with 2.8 points, taking into account the list of planed actions.

The online version of the #MoldovaEUCandidateCheck report and the results of the monitoring exercise reflected in the online Dashboard are available on The Report is also available on Expert-Grup’s web-site here (in Romanian language) and on here (in English).

The draft Monitoring Table and the Report were subject to internal peer-review by the team of authors, as well as to an external review during the multi-stakeholder consultation meetings conducted during March and early April 2023 with the participation of the relevant national authorities and representatives of civil society. The final version of the Report took into account the results of the consultative meetings.

In July 2023, the evaluation of the first Report and the Monitoring Table will be reviewed and updated to reflect the final implementation results, given that the deadline for fulfilling the 9 commitments is June 2023, when the European Commission will initiate the preparation of the first Report within the EU Enlargement Package, which will be published in autumn this year.

It should be reminded that on 23 June 2022, the Republic of Moldova obtained the EU candidate country status. The EU decision was based on the favourable opinion of the European Commission, after the evaluation of the completed questionnaire, in the context of the accession application submitted by the Republic of Moldova in March 2022

In April 2022, the National Commission for European Integration (NCEI) was established. Chaired by the President of the Republic of Moldova, the Commission is an inclusive platform that brings together members of the Government, parliamentarians, representatives of civil society and local authorities, which ensures the strategic coordination of the European integration process. On 4 August 2022, NCEI approved the Action Plan for the implementation of the measures proposed by the European Commission in its Opinion on the Republic of Moldova's EU membership application (hereinafter the Action Plan).

Find the interactive version of the report  #MoldovaEUCandidateCheck  


This Report was developed within the "Moldova-EU Candidate Check: 9 steps towards the opening of accession negotiations with the European Union" Project implemented by the Institute for European Policies and Reforms, Expert-Grup, and the Centre for Legal Resources (CRJM), in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES).

On 23 June 2022, the Republic of Moldova obtained the European Union (EU) candidate country status. The EU decision was based on the favourable opinion of the European Commission, after the evaluation of the completed questionnaire, in the context of the accession application submitted by the Republic of Moldova in March 2022. The first report of the European Commission on the progress made by the Republic of Moldova in the EU enlargement policy will be published in autumn 2023.The answers to the EU questionnaire were also supplemented with the input of Moldovan experts from the diaspora and civil society. IPRE, Expert-Group, and CRJM, in collaboration with the Soros Moldova Foundation, within the #ThinkTanks4EUMembership initiative, contributed to the preparation of the Republic of Moldova's answers to the EU Questionnaire.


In April 2022, the National Commission for European Integration (NCEI) was established. Chaired by the President of the Republic of Moldova, the Commission is an inclusive platform that brings together members of the Government, parliamentarians, representatives of civil society and local authorities, which ensures the strategic coordination of the European integration process. On 4 August 2022, NCEI approved the Action Plan for the implementation of the measures proposed by the European Commission in its Opinion on the Republic of Moldova's EU membership application (hereinafter the Action Plan).In this context, IPRE, Expert-Grup and CRJM, as part of the #ThinkTanks4EUMembership initiative, in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation have started a process of monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the 9 recommendations of the European Commission.The results of the monitoring exercise are reflected in the #MoldovaEUCandidateCheck Monitoring Table available online here: The main findings regarding the progress, constraints, and priorities recommended for each of the 9 commitments undertaken by the Republic of Moldova are reflected in this Report, which presents the developments from 1 July 2022 to 31 March 2023. In July 2023, the assessments reflected in Report #1 and the #MoldovaEUCandidateCheck Monitoring Table will be reviewed and updated to reflect the final evaluations, given that the deadline for fulfilling the 9 commitments is June 2023, when the European Commission will initiate the elaboration of the first report within the EU Enlargement Package, which will be published in the autumn of this year.

Executive summary

As a result of the evaluation, the overall average for the degree of implementation of the 9 commitments is 3.8 points out of a maximum of 5. Out of the 60 actions corresponding to 9 measures provided by the authorities in the Action Plan:  14 actions (23,33%) have been implemented without deficiencies, 21 actions (35%) have been implemented with certain shortcomings, 23 actions (38.33%) are in the process of implementation, and 2 actions (3,33%) have not been initiated yet.

In the field of justice reform (1st commitment), we note that most of the actions planned by the authorities have been implemented with certain shortcomings or are being currently carried out (4p). Thus, among the achievements are the adoption of Law no. 120/2021 for amending the Constitution and related legislation, with the aim of improving regulations regarding the judicial system. Other laws have been adopted that have consolidated the activity of the Judicial Inspection, amended legislation on the National Institute of Justice (INJ) and the prosecution, and introduced an extraordinary evaluation of candidates for the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) and the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP). The evaluation of judge and non-judge candidates for the CSM was completed, and the evaluation procedures for candidates for the CSP were initiated. On March 30, 2023, Parliament elected three non-judge members to the CSM, who were evaluated by the pre-vetting Commission. The main constraints relate to exceeding the deadline for evaluating candidates for the CSM and CSP, set for December 2022, and extended until June 2023. Although on March 17, 2023, the General Assembly of Judges was to elect the new judge members who had passed the extraordinary evaluation in the CSM, the judges interrupted the session and postponed the vote for April 28, 2023. Consequently, until March 31, 2023, no appointment of judges in the CSM and prosecutors in the CSP had taken place. The evaluation of candidates for the colleges of judges and prosecutors was not initiated. The legislation regarding the activity of the prosecution was not adjusted in accordance with the recommendations of the Venice Commission set out in point 41 of Opinion no. 1086 of June 20, 2022. A clear mechanism for verifying the wealth and interest declarations submitted by candidates enrolled at the INJ and an internal mechanism for verifying the integrity of judges and prosecutors at all stages of their careers were not regulated. 

Regarding the implementation of the recommendations of the OSCE/ODIHR, as well as the Venice Commission (Commitment 2), the Action Plan included the reference to the adoption of the new Code, a measure that was implemented with certain shortcomings (4p). Thus, on December 8, 2022, the Parliament adopted the new Electoral Code of the Republic of Moldova, implementing the majority of OSCE/ODIHR recommendations, evaluation mission reports, and Constitutional Court addresses. Institutional changes focus on the composition and method of appointment of members of the Central Electoral Commission. The new Electoral Code allows for elections to be held in two days in certain electoral districts or polling stations for objective reasons, such as pandemics, exceptional situations, or high voter turnout. The list of subjects that can participate in elections has been expanded, including initiative groups and electoral blocs. The consultative process related to the adoption of the Electoral Code involved all interested parties, such as civil society, political parties, and the public administration. However, it should be noted that the decision of the authorities to include a single activity in the Action Plan seems to be a rather narrow interpretation. In the authors' opinion, Commitment 2 is expected to additionally reflect the evaluation of the implementation of the Venice Commission's recommendations with reference to Commitment 1, namely the completion of essential stages of comprehensive justice system reform in accordance with Venice Commission Opinion No. 1058, related to the draft law on the prosecution service and Venice Commission Opinion No. 102 on the judiciary system. Additionally, the authorities should objectively determine whether other recently announced draft laws fall under the category of "essential stages of comprehensive justice system reform," such as the reform of the Supreme Court of Justice and the evaluation of Supreme Court judges, the extraordinary evaluation of judges and prosecutors (full-vetting), the conventional draft law called the de-oligarchization package (which is reflected in Commitment 4), or the package of laws on the Intelligence and Security Service. 

In the field of combating corruption (commitment 3), most actions are implemented with certain shortcomings, or have been initiated and are in the process of implementation (3,66). The main progress was the adoption in July 2022 of legislative changes and the implementation of a new mechanism for criminal prosecution, trial, and conviction in absentia of individuals who evade participation in criminal proceedings. The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office managed to investigate more corruption cases than in 2021 and has also increased the number of cases sent to court. The proportion of sentences and cases sent to court for corruption cases has increased slightly from 2021 to 2022. Moreover, the values of fines and special confiscations have increased significantly. One of the main constraints is the existence of deviations from the initial terms for carrying out the actions provided for in the Action Plan. The main priorities that the authorities need to focus on in the immediate future are the adoption in the final reading of the draft amendment to the Code of Criminal Procedure for delimiting the competencies between the National Anticorruption Centre (NAC) and the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (APo), the project of amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code and Law no. 59/2012 for improving and increasing the efficiency of special investigation measures, the project of amending the Law on whistle-blowers that is to transpose EU Directive 2019/1937, as well as the publication of a strategic analysis of the convictions adopted in 2022 in corruption cases, related acts, and corruptible deeds.

Regarding the "de-oligarchization" (commitment 4), most actions are in the process of implementation (3,3p). The Ministry of Justice has drafted a bill to eliminate excessive influence of private interests on economic, political, and public life. The bill has been consulted with the public, and the Venice Commission has issued a preliminary opinion that will be taken into consideration by the authorities in finalizing the draft law.  The draft contains several problematic provisions, contrary to the international commitments of the Republic of Moldova in the field of human rights. The draft Action Plan on de-oligarchization measures has been developed and the consultation process for the draft plan has been initiated. The Central Electoral Commission has established the Supervision and Control Division for the Financing of Political Parties and Electoral Campaigns to monitor, analyse, verify, and control the financing of political parties and electoral campaigns. The Audio-visual Media Services Code has been amended to allow the regulation of activity reports of media providers by the Audio-visual Coordinating Council. The government has adopted the State Ownership Policy in the form of the Strategy for managing state property in enterprises and companies with state capital for the years 2022-2030, which requires immediate actions to implement good corporate governance practices. However, the Law on Public-Private Partnership is to be adjusted to the principles and objectives of the state property strategy and the OECD recommendations on public governance principles for PPP.

In the field of combating organized crime (commitment 5), most actions have been implemented and some are in the process of implementation (3,88p). Thus, the Government has adopted and initiated the implementation of the Internal Affairs Development Strategy for the years 2022-2030. The Criminal Assets Recovery Program for the period 2023-2027 has been adopted. In addition, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the General Inspectorate of Police have participated in several experience-sharing activities with Interpol, Europol, Eurojust, etc. Although with deviations from the initial deadline set in the Action Plan, on March 30, 2023, Parliament adopted the Cybersecurity Law, which transposes EU Directive 2022/2555 (NIS 2). Priorities for 2023 include the entry into force of the Cybersecurity Law and the Law on the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, and the adoption of the related regulatory framework and implementation of Moneyval recommendations. 

In the field of public administration reform (commitment 6), most actions have been fulfilled and an action related to the digitalization of public services is in the process of implementation (4P). Twelve electronic services have been launched in the field of cadastre and eleven others have been integrated with the MDelivery service. A support mechanism for the staff of public authorities to achieve priority tasks has been established, and decisions to increase the headcount limit of policy-making units within the Central Public Administration have been promoted. An ex-post evaluation report of the Public Administration Reform Strategy 2016-2020 has been developed and a new Public Administration Reform Strategy was adopted, which addresses the issue of public officials' salaries and professionalization, delimitation of roles within the public administration, and consolidation of fiscal autonomy of local public administration, has been approved. In the context of implementing the revised Roadmap on Local and Regional Democracy, progress has been made in consolidating the tax base of level I local public administration through changes to budget and fiscal policies for 2023, but progress in delimiting public property is modest. The main priority is to consolidate public administration authorities through salary reform and to avoid the practice of incentivizing public officials by including them in the boards of state-owned companies.

Regarding the reform of public finance management (commitment 7), most of the actions have been implemented (4.66 points). A regulation on low-value public procurement has been developed and approved, a formal procedure for identifying eligible public investment projects to be included in the Medium-Term Budgetary Framework/State Budget Law project has been established, and the scope of the public investment management framework has been expanded. A public finance management development strategy for the period 2023-2030 has been developed, aimed at improving the quality of macroeconomic and fiscal forecasts, establishing an adequate accounting and reporting system in the budgetary sector, the continuous development of the public finance management information system, and ensuring the use of public funds in accordance with good governance principles.

In the field of civil society cooperation (commitment 8), most of the actions are in the process of implementation (2.8 points).  However, the Framework Regulation on non-repayable financing of non-commercial organizations' projects and on improving the process of developing public policy documents has been adopted. The Ministry of Justice has drafted a law on access to public interest information, but the current version of the draft, does not address the issues raised by journalists. On the other hand, transparency and predictability in the decision-making process are still affected in Parliament, where the transparency of projects under review has been affected on average by 69%. In addition, the permanent platforms for consultation with civil society at the level of Parliament and Government have not yet been launched. The State Chancellery needs to expedite the consultation and approval of the new Concept on the development of civil society, and authorities need to improve the ex-post evaluation mechanism of legislation to understand if the intended objectives have been achieved.

In the field of protection of human rights (commitment 9), most of the actions have been implemented (4). Amendments have been adopted to the regulatory framework to ensure non-discrimination and equality, including the expansion of discrimination criteria and amendments to the Contravention Code. In addition, adjustments have been made to the Ombudsman Law, and criminal and procedural legislation has been aligned with the provisions of the Istanbul and Lanzarote Conventions. However, there have been delays in approving these laws due to objections from the President of the Republic and deviations from legislative technique. In addition, there have been challenges in implementing the Program to support the Roma population for the years 2022-2025. It is recommended to improve inter-institutional dialogue and cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Research and the Ethnic Relations Agency, implement the Program to support the Roma population, and revise legislation for clarification and separation of the responsibilities for detecting cases of incitement to discrimination.

Find the interactive version of the report

This publication is developed within the "Moldova-EU Candidate Check: 9 steps towards the opening of accession negotiations with the European Union" Project implemented by the Institute for European Policies and Reforms, Expert-Grup, and the Centre for Legal Resources of Moldova (CRJM), in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES). The publication represents an independent evaluation by the authors on the degree of implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the 9 key political and economic criteria identified by the European Commission in its June 2022 opinion, approved by the National Commission for European Integration (NCEI), which also includes representatives of IPRE and Expert-Grup, civil society organizations that are members of the National Platform of the Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership. The opinions presented in the report belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the position of the National Platform of the Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership, NCEI, or the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.


Monday, 20 March 2023 00:00

Profilul demografic al UTA Găgăuzia

Potrivit datelor BNS, la începutul anului 2022, populația UTA Găgăuzia era de 121,7 mii de locuitori, inclusiv 49,4 mii de locuitori din mediul urban și 72,3 mii de locuitori din mediul rural. Începând cu anul 2018, se constată o scădere a populației din cauza excesului numărului de decese față de numărul de nașteri. În 2021, sporul natural negativ a constituit 3,9‰. Ponderea populației în vârstă de 60 de ani și peste este de 24%. Comparativ cu 2014, acest indicator a crescut cu 6 puncte procentuale, ceea ce arată un proces accelerat de îmbătrânire demografică.

În pofida faptului că UTA Găgăuzia are o rată totală a fertilității mai mare decât în țară în ansamblu  ̶  1,85 născuți-vii la o femeie de vârstă reproductivă, acest indicator este în scădere treptată, la fel ca și numărul anual de nașteri. Astfel, în 2014 s-au născut 1,9 mii de copii, iar în 2021 – doar 1,5 mii. În viitor, această tendință se va intensifica, deoarece în vârsta reproductivă vor intra generații mai puțin numeroase. În același timp, atitudinile reproductive ale populației sunt mai ridicate decât în restul țării. Peste 70% dintre cei intervievați consideră că numărul ideal de copii într-o familie este de „trei sau mai mulți”; în zonele rurale, majoritatea covârșitoare are această opinie (peste 80%), iar în mediul urban, ponderea este ceva mai scăzută (57%). Numărul mediu de copii pe care populația de vârstă reproductivă intenționează să îl aibă este de 2,67 copii, adică semnificativ mai mare decât nivelul necesar pentru reproducerea populației (2,1).

Rezultatele studiului au arătat că în UTA Găgăuzia nu se acordă suficientă atenție planificării familiale. Conform datelor obținute, utilizarea metodelor de contracepție este la un nivel foarte scăzut. Din numărul total de femei intervievate de vârstă reproductivă (15-49 de ani), care nu erau însărcinate la momentul sondajului și nu încercau să rămână însărcinate, doar 22,1% au declarat că folosesc cel puțin o metodă de contracepție, în timp ce 42,0% au declarat că nu folosesc nicio metodă. În același timp, s-a constatat o rată ridicată a refuzurilor de a răspunde la această întrebare: 35,9% dintre respondente fie au refuzat să răspundă, fie nu au putut da un răspuns. Acest lucru sugerează că populația nu este suficient de informată despre astfel de concepte precum „sănătatea reproductivă” și „drepturile reproductive”.

Regiunile sudice ale Republicii Moldova, inclusiv UTA Găgăuzia, se evidențiază în mod tradițional prin rate mai ridicate ale mortalității și o speranță de viață mai mică. Trebuie de menționat că în anii dinaintea pandemiei Covid-19 situația s-a îmbunătățit ușor. Creșterea mortalității cauzată de pandemie a afectat populația cu vârste cuprinse între 50-64 de ani și 65 de ani și peste, bărbați și femei deopotrivă.

Datele privind autoevaluarea stării de sănătate arată că majoritatea populației în vârstă aptă de muncă își apreciază pozitiv starea sănătății, ca fiind „foarte bună”, „bună” sau „satisfăcătoare”. În rândul populației cu vârsta de 65 de ani și peste, 61,1% și-au evaluat starea de sănătate ca fiind „satisfăcătoare” și 24,5% ca fiind „proastă sau foarte proastă”, fără diferențe semnificative în funcție de sex. Aceasta înseamnă că unul din patru rezidenți în vârstă de 65 de ani și peste are posibilități limitate de a îmbătrâni într-un mod activ și sănătos. În același timp, proporția persoanelor vârstnice care își apreciază starea de sănătate ca fiind „foarte bună” sau „bună” este mai mare în mediul rural (17,8%) decât în mediul urban (9,2%).

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Analiza a fost elaborată în baza datelor revizuite ale populației și migrației la nivel territorial estimate de către Biroul Național de Statistică în anul 2022 și datelor Studiul Generații și Gen (GGS), care este primul și cel mai complex studiu demografic longitudinal, desfășurat până în prezent în peste 24 de țări ale lumii. GGS este parte a programului internațional coordonat de Comisia Economică a Națiunilor Unite pentru Europa (UNECE) și Institutul Interdisciplinar de Demografie din Olanda (NIDI). Programul Generații și Gen este implementat de către Fondul Națiunilor Unite pentru Populație (UNFPA Moldova), în parteneriat cu Ministerul Muncii și Protecţiei Sociale al Republicii Moldova (MMPS), Biroul Național de Statistică, Institutul Interdisciplinar de Demografie din Olanda (NIDI). Desfășurarea programului este posibilă grație suportului financiar oferit de Ministerul Muncii și Protecției Sociale, Fondului Parteneriatului pentru Dezvoltare India-ONU și UNFPA. Concluziile acestui studiu au menirea de a furniza autorităților locale din Republica Moldova date dezagregate despre schimbările demografice din Republica Moldova, astfel ca autoritățile să elaboreze politici demografice centrate pe oameni și ajustate la necesitățile reale ale acestora. Totodată, concluziile acestei analize vor fi utilizate de către autorități pentru a identifica măsuri de transformare a crizei demografice într-o oportunitate, pentru a susține dezvoltarea țării și a promova reziliența demografică în Moldova. Vedeți în acest infografic cele mai importante concluzii realizate în baza Profilului demografic al UTA Găgăuzia.

Acest document a fost elaborat cu suportul Ministerului Muncii și Protecției Sociale al Republicii Moldova (MMPS), Agenția Elvețiană pentru Dezvoltare și Cooperare (SDC) și Fondului ONU pentru Populație (UNFPA Moldova) și nu prezintă în mod necesar punctul de vedere al UNFPA Moldova, SDC, MMPS sau oricărei dintre organizațiile afiliate.

Energy policies in the Republic of Moldova continue to be driven by three interrelated constraining factors – (i) limited indigenous resources consisting mainly of biomass, which cover only about 25% of domestic consumption, (ii) a homogeneous structure of the natural gas and electricity market with monopolistic or market-dominant suppliers, and (iii) low energy efficiency throughout the value chain from generation up to final consumption of resources in all sectors of the national economy. The listed factors correlate perfectly with the three dimensions of the concept of energy security, which is based on the availability, affordability and sustainability of an energy system.

Since 2010, as a contracting party to the Energy Community Treaty (ECT), the Republic of Moldova is committed to transpose and implement the acquis communautaire into the national legislation. Since then, the EU policies, adapted to the conditions of the contracting parties to the ECT, continue to serve as a reference and guidance for a coordinated approach of the challenges the energy system of the Republic of Moldova faces.

By approving the 2030 Energy Strategy , Moldova has aligned its overall energy objectives with those of the European Union. Thus, over the last decade, the efforts have been directed towards achieving these objectives, including ensuring the availability, affordability and sustainability of energy resource consumption.

An objective assessment of the outcome of the efforts made can serve as a factual assessment of the energy situation at the beginning of 2023 in terms of the progress achieved in meeting the commitments made under the ECT. 

Against the backdrop of the acute energy crisis, which took off in the second half of 2021, the new national political and geopolitical context in February 2022 forced the acceleration of energy reforms. Similar to the so-called ‘perfect storm’  of events that triggered and amplified the natural gas and electricity price crisis in 2021, subsequently, through the concurrence of several internal and external factors, some remarkable achievements were made in progressing with the energy reforms in Moldova, especially in terms of diversification of energy supply sources.

The status of EU candidate country, obtained on 23 June 2022, significantly raises expectations not only for the progress of harmonization, but also for the implementation of the acquis communautaire in the Republic of Moldova.

The situation in the Republic of Moldova is heavily influenced by the new geopolitical conditions, uncertainties and risks related to the developments on the energy resource markets. This requires not only to continue the fast-paced implementation of reforms and to increase resilience to shocks induced by the multitude of overlapping crises, but also to set the policy priorities in the energy sector according to the expectations of both the society and development partners. Moreover, the objective to accelerate the European integration process suggests the need for aligning the priorities with the EU ambitious policies.

An important signal, proving awareness of the challenges to be addressed, is the establishment of a ministry dedicated to the energy sector. It is worth noting the speed with which the Ministry of Energy has communicated its medium-term development vision and priorities, which are derived from the Government Activity Program and meet the Government’s three general strategic objectives by 2030. Moreover, in the context of the EU integration objective, a new long-term goal has been announced – to decarbonise the economy by 2050, in line with the EU’s objective of becoming climate-neutral by 2050.


The first medium-term priority of the authorities is to ‘prevent and mitigate potential energy crises, including by securing strategic gas purchasing and stocks and by diversifying electricity supply’. Indeed, taking into account the structure of gross domestic energy consumption, the sources of supply with energy resources, the share or the market power held by each of them, the resources contributing most to the degree of vulnerability regarding security of supply are natural gas and electricity.

For more details download the full publication:

Download the policy brief

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union and the "Friedrich Ebert" Foundation (FES). Its content is the content represents the sole responsibility of the "Civil Society for European Integration" project, financed by the European Union and co-financed by the "Friedrich Ebert" Foundation. The content of the publication belongs to the authors and does not necessarily reflect the vision of the European Union and the "Friedrich Ebert" Foundation (FES).

On 29-31 March this year, Expert-Grup Independent Think-Tank, the Institute for European Policy and Reform (IPRE) and Institutum Virtutes Civilis (IVC) participated in a series of advocacy visits in Bruxelles, carried out under the ‘Civil Society for European Integration’ project, financed by the European Union and co-financed by ‘Friedrich Ebert’ Foundation. The purpose of the meetings with EU officials was to discuss the main developments, challenges and priorities for the implementation of the nine recommendations of the European Commission to launch accession negotiations with the European Union of the Republic of Moldova. 

Representatives of the three organisations attended several meetings, including with Luc Pierre Devigne, Deputy Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia, his colleagues from the European External Action Service (EEAS) and with European Commission experts from DG Trade, DG NEAR, DG ECFIN and DG Just. The discussions focused on the progress made by the Republic of Moldova and on the reforms needed to meet the nine recommendations of the European Commission in accordance with the Action Plan approved by the National Commission for European Integration, which must be implemented by the authorities to speed up the accession process. 

Representatives of the delegation were encouraged by the continued support offered by the European Union to the Republic of Moldova in the process of European integration, as well as by the expectations to accelerate the reforms, particularly in the area of justice. Moreover, representatives of civil society organisations met with Siegfried Mureșan, Chair of the European Parliament Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee, Dragoș Tudorache, European Parliament Committee Rapporteur on Moldova and Ramona Strugariu, Vice-Chair of the European Parliament Delegation to the EU- Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee. The three organisations emphasised the importance of continued EU support for the advancement of reforms and the formal opening of accession negotiations by the end of the year, provided that the nine commitments undertaken by the Moldovan authorities are implemented.

During the discussions, they stressed the importance of advancing the European agenda in order to start the accession negotiations by the end of this year, by involving fully and actively the civil society in promoting key reforms related to this process and emphasised the importance of: 

  • advancing reforms in the justice sector, in particular the pre-vetting process and the establishment of the new full membership of the Superior Council of Magistracy. 
  • promoting support programs for the private sector to facilitate the implementation of EU standards at company level and encourage market diversification and investment in higher value-added products; 
  • accelerating the launching of a financing program for energy efficiency investments in the residential and private sector; 
  • promoting reforms related to the reform of the State Labour Inspection, NEA, the social assistance system, advancing the consumer protection agenda and strengthening the capacities of the Inspectorate for the Supervision of Non-Food Products and Consumer Protection;- 
  • advancing the reform of state-owned companies by strengthening the governance and transparency in this sector, including by digitising the information about public property;
  • actively involving the civil society in the process of consultation, monitoring and provision of technical assistance to advance reforms for the alignment with EU standards. 


The advocacy visit was organised on the occasion of the 11th Meeting of the EU-Moldova Civil Society Platform and was carried out as part of ‘Civil Society for European Integration’ project implemented by the Expert-Grup Independent Think-Tank, as lead partner, in partnership with IPRE, Institutum Virtutes Civilis (IVC) NGO and Friedrich Ebert Foundation, financed by the European Union and co-financed by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Centrul Analitic independent Expert-Grup  anunță extinderea concursului pentru identificarea unei companii care va prelua sarcina de elaborare a 3 landing pages  în cadrul inițiativei „OSC rezistente + Bugetare responsabilă = Implementarea accelerată a Acordului de Asociere” în corespundere cu termenii de referință anexați.

Centrul Analitic independent Expert-Grup  anunță extinderea concursului pentru identificarea unei companii care va prelua sarcina de elaborare a 3 landing pages  în cadrul inițiativei „OSC rezistente + Bugetare responsabilă = Implementarea accelerată a Acordului de Asociere” în corespundere cu termenii de referință anexați.

Ca parte a strategiei de comunicare și vizibilitate a proiectului, care urmărește creșterea nivelului de informare și conștientizare cu privire la importanța participării civice la procesele bugetare și de elaborare a politicilor la nivel local și central în cadrul implementării Agenda de europenizare a Republicii Moldova, sarcina curentă prevede:

  1.  Adaptarea site-ului existent Mai exact, ar trebui creată și integrată o nouă pagină de destinație pe Acesta va servi ca platformă de diseminare pentru toate materialele și rapoartele legate de analiza bugetului în contextul implementării AA și al procesului de aderare a Republicii Moldova la UE.
  2. Adaptarea site-ului web existent al Platformei Naționale a Moldovei a Forumului Societății Civile a Parteneriatului Estic (EaP CSF) În special, două pagini de destinație ar trebui create și integrate pe una concepută pentru Platforma Societății Civile UE-Moldova (EU-MD CSF) și una pentru Grupul Consultativ Intern pentru Comerț și Dezvoltare Durabilă (DAG). ). Aceste pagini vor servi drept canal de diseminare pentru toate informațiile legate de activitățile și evenimentele platformelor societății civile. Se va asigura că paginile nou dezvoltate sunt compatibile cu

Cerințe înaintate candidaților și procedura de aplicare

În mod ideal, compania trebuie să întrunească următoarele criterii: 

  • Cel puțin 3 ani de experiență dovedită în design de pagini web similare;
  • Capacitate de a lucra în echipa și de a îndeplini sarcinile în termenele stabilite;
  • Experiența anterioară de lucru la proiecte finanțate de UE sau de alți parteneri internaționali de dezvoltare va fi considerată un avantaj.

Companiile interesate sunt invitate să prezinte ofertele tehnice și comerciale care vor conține următoarele:

  • Formularul de depunere a ofertei tehnice;
  • O scurtă descriere a organizației (1-2 pagini);
  • Certificatul de înregistrare al companiei;
  • Portofoliul clienților;
  • Portofoliul companiei care descrie experiența acesteia în domeniu și a serviciilor similare prestate; 
  • În mod explicit se vor prezenta persoanele angajate în următoarele funcții cheie: Manager de Proiect; Șef echipă programare; Designer.
  • Oferta comercială. Oferta trebuie depusă la cota TVA zero. Expert-Grup va furniza în acest sens toate documentele de suport necesare;
  • Alte documente sau recomandări relevante.

Ofera financiară va fi anexată ca un fișier separat la email.

Ofertele vor transmise prin email la This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. până la data de  7 aprilie 2023, ora 19:00. 

Toate întrebările de clarificare pot fi adresate prin email la This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (persoana de contact: Iulia Sîrghi-Zolotco).

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 Instrucțiuni pentru ofertanți     Invitație de participare în cadrul concursului

Draft contract    Grilă de conformitate administrativă

Proiectul este implementat de Centrul Analitic Independent Expert-Grup, în calitate de partener principal , în consorțiu cu IPRE, AO Institutum Virtutes Civilis (IVC) și Fundația Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Moldova, finanțat de Uniunea Europeană (European Union in the Republic of Moldova) și co-finanțat de Fundația „Friedrich Ebert”.

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