Press releases

The lack of a work-life balance, childcare and household responsibilities, which are unfairly shared between women and men, has economic implications for the life cycle. Throughout life, the average consumption of women (public and private)…
Pandemic developments and political instability are the main economic risks in 2021. On the one hand, we can expect a relatively high economic growth (+5,4%), but on the other hand, the economy will be relaunched…
Representatives of ten mayoralties from the Republic of Moldova have participated in online training on municipal bonds emission organized by "Expert-Grup" Independent Think-Tank in the frame of the project "Local Government Bonds -  as a…
Prețul vieții confortabile în secolul XXI este dauna pe care activitatea umană o aduce mediului. Impactul oamenilor și al agenților economici asupra mediului devine, cu fiecare an, tot mai simțitor și imposibil de ignorat, iar…
The Independent Think-Tank "Expert-Grup" in cooperation with the Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE) organized, on Friday, November 27, 2020, the First Annual Forum on Participatory Budgeting held within the project "Inform, empower and…
Unul dintre principalele motive de stagnare a dezvoltării localităților din Republica Moldova este lipsa resurselor financiare de care dispun Autoritățile Publice Locale (APL) pentru proiecte investiționale. În acest sens, obligațiunile municipale sunt acel instrument prin…

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