EU-MD Association Agreement

În acest articol, relatăm despre importanța vectorului european pentru dezvoltarea economică durabilă a Republicii Moldova, precum și despre rezistența remarcabilă pe care au manifestat-o relațiile noastre economice cu Uniunea Europeană, în pofida persistenței crizei regionale…
This position paper contains a series of conceptual proposals regarding the approach and structure of the draft National Action Plan (NAP) in the context of alignment with medium-term commitments in the negotiation process of accession…
On 23 June 2022, the Republic of Moldova obtained the European Union (EU) candidate country status. The EU decision was based on the favourable opinion of the European Commission, after the evaluation of the completed…
Against the backdrop of a radical reset of the regional geopolitical context, joining the European Union (EU) is a necessity, not just a historic opportunity, for Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia in their efforts to consolidate…
After granting Moldova EU candidate status, the EU now expects serious reforms — especially in the areas of de-oligarchization and anti-corruption. In a policy brief, our colleague,  Denis Cenusa, Program Director "European Integration " at…
On 23 June 2022, the Republic of Moldova obtained the European Union (EU) candidate country status. The EU decision was based on the favourable opinion of the European Commission, after the evaluation of the completed…
Energy policies in the Republic of Moldova continue to be driven by three interrelated constraining factors – (i) limited indigenous resources consisting mainly of biomass, which cover only about 25% of domestic consumption, (ii) a…
  In the week following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 all three East European states associated with the EU – Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia – submitted applications to accede to the EU.…
În perioada ianuarie-octombrie 2022, sectorul public al Republicii Moldova a primit de la UE asistență financiară de peste 200 mil. EUR, din care circa o jumătate au fost împrumuturi și o jumătate, granturi. Accesați infograficul…
  85% din stocul de investiții străine directe (ISD) în capitalul propriu al întreprinderilor moldovenești provin din Uniunea Europeană.  Accesați infograficul integral pentru mai multe date despre investițiile străine directe:  Accesează infograficul integral      Скачать полную…
 UE este principalul partener comercial al Republicii Moldova, cu o pondere de 59% din totalul exporturilor în primele nouă luni ale anului 2022.În exportul Republicii Moldova spre UE predomină bunurile industriale, spre deosebire de exportul…
În acest articol, relatăm despre importanța vectorului European pentru dezvoltarea durabilă a Republicii Moldova prin prisma datelor despre comerț extern, investiții și asistența externă. Actualmente, Uniunea Europeană reprezintă nu doar principalul partener comercial al Republicii…
The Republic of Moldova signed the request to join EU on the second week after the Russian invasion in Ukcraine. This was a logical step for a country looking for a peace and development anchor…

Deepening EU - Moldovan Relations

Monday, 18 October 2021 Published in Publications
Authors: Denis Cenușă, Michael Emerson,
This Handbook seeks to explain the contents of a long and complex legal treaty – the Association Agreement, which includes a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) – between the Republic of Moldova and…
The current policy brief attempts to present a set of guidelines (“mechanisms”) that can facilitate the injection of the resilience logic into the actions of the EU towards one of the Eastern Partnership countries -…
This article is available only in the Romanian version.
Moldova’s foreign policy under the new President Maia Sandu slowly renews its shape. In less than a month, Sandu refreshes contacts with the country’s two neighbours – Romania and Ukraine. Her style of foreign policy…
Democratisation in Moldova has been sporadic and fragmented, which has had a profound impact on its Europeanisation process and provoked hesitation and uncertainty in the EU.  Shortcomings in the democratic process have inhibited the civic…
On September 1, 2014, the provisional implementation of the Association Agreement between Moldova and the European Union (AA) was initiated, which was signed on June 27, 2014 and was ratified by the Parliament of the Republic of…
The report in available only in Romanian.
The publication is available only in Romanian. Download publication (ro)
The Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and European Union has major political, social and especially economic implications (mainly its component of Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA)). The economic side of it…
This book contains the first comprehensive and independent comparative assessment of the fundamental political challenges facing Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in the context of their Association Agreements with the EU. Issues analysed in depth include…
This Handbook, now in its second edition, represents the most comprehensive and independent assessment of the Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) between the Moldova. It is one of a Trilogy…
Against a difficult economic and political background, DCFTA succeeded in generating the first tangible results, and the EU strengthened its position as the main selling market for Moldova. If we analyze the period between 2015-2017…
As part of the EU-Republic of Moldova Association Agreement, the Republic of Moldova committed to approximate its sanitary and phytosanitary and animal welfare law to that of the European Union. However, approximating the EU legislation…
The continuous political instability in the Republic of Moldova, together with the less favourable national/regional economic situation (banking crisis, theft of the billion, MDL devaluation, US dollar appreciation, unfavourable climatic conditions, decrease in the international…
Services play a very important role in the Moldovan economy by contributing to the value added, employment and trade. Moldova is largely a services-based economy. Nowadays, the commercial services generate 50 percent of the gross…
The Independent Think-Tank Expert-Grup in partnership with the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) from Brussels organized the conference "The EU-Moldova Association Agreement – new opportunities and challenges", held on the 28th of November in…
The Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT, the Analytical Centre "Expert-Grup" and the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) produced a final monitoring report on the Priority Reform Action Roadmap. The experts have concluded that only…
The Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) are the backbone of the European economy, accounting for 85% of the new jobs created. The European Comission aims to promote entrepreneurship and improve the SME business climate, in…
Acest material infografi cu privire la importul produselor din Uniunea Europeană vă poate fi util în cazul în care ați identificat deja un partener de afaceri în cadrul unei țări membre UE și ați anegociat…
Sectorul agroalimentar este al doilea sector economic ca mărime din UE. Datorită normelor UE, cetățenii europeni beneficiază de unele din cele mai ridicate standarde internaționale în materie de siguranță alimentară. Politică UE protejează sănătatea de-a…
Zona de Liber Schimb Aprofundat și Cuprinzător (ZLSAC / DCFTA) a fost formată prin semnarea Acordului de Asociere între Republica Moldova și Uniunea European. Aceasta permite circulația mărfurilor între teritoriul țărilor membre UE și Republica…
Ținând cont de multitudinea informației dedicate implementării prevederilor ce ţin de Zona de Liber Schimb Aprofundat și Cuprinzător ZLSAC / DCFTA, precum și numărul tot mai mare de platforme informaționale, mediul de afaceri din țară…
Ținând cont de multitudinea informației dedicate implementării prevederilor ce ţin de Zona de Liber Schimb Aprofundat și Cuprinzător ZLSAC / DCFTA, precum și numărul tot mai mare de platforme informaționale, mediul de afaceri din țară…

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