
Moldovan economy slows down continuously. Economic Leading Indicator - Expert-Grup’s monthly index which includes 6 main macroeconomic metrics, has fallen for the 3rd month in a row, at 87 points. This dynamic shows ongoing negative…
Abstract One of the main findings of this Report is that the subsidies’ distribution is discriminatory. Inequitable allocation of financial resources occurs largely because of its poor formula, vague formulation and due violating its regulations.…
This is an op-en wrote by Adrian Lupușor. Read more in the Romanian version.

Euromonitor, 4th quarter 2014 (#34)

Tuesday, 17 February 2015 Published in Publications
Abstract In July 2014, the National Action Plan for the implementation of the Moldova-EU Association Agreement which provides several relevant actions for justice reform, has been approved. However, the justice sector has little credibility in…
Moldovan energy sector is a mix of inefficiency, dependency on external sources and low per capita consumption. Over 96% of energy consumption comes from imports, whereas only 40% in the EU. Also, the losses from…
Abstract Although consumption accounts for 92.2% from Moldova’s GDP, little has been done in order to improve consumers’ experience.  This policy brief explains how the Association Agreement will change this status-quo. Once the Agreement has…
Abstract Currently, Moldovan citizens view police as an institution with high risk of corruption. At the same time, lack of professionalism, lack of police inventory (alcohol measuring sets, digital cameras, cars) and lack of financial…
Abstract The Q4-2014 issue of the Transnistrian Economic Review points an increase of the convergence index between the Moldovan and Transnistrian economies. Currently at 93.9%, the index recovered 0.4 percentage points over the second quarter,…

2014 Economic Review & Challenges for 2015

Monday, 29 December 2014 Published in Publications
Expert-Grup is launching its seveth annual economic review of the Republic of Moldova. The review includes: Top 5 successes in 2014 Top 5 failures in 2014 Top 5 challenges for 2015 The document includes 7…
The quarterly monitoring report on the implementation of European Union – Moldova Action Plan (EURMAP) in the period of July-September 2014 has been produced within the joint project “EUMoldova relations – monitoring progress in the…
Expert-Grup launches the second issue of the Regional Economic Review: Transnistrian region. The report analyses the growth trends and economic risks of the Transnistrian region.  The report is available in three languages: English, Romanian, Russian. Extras:…
Expert-Grup launched the 11th issue of the economic magazine MEGA: Moldova Economic Growth Analysis. The current edition analyzes the key macroeconomic and sector-level trends in 2014, provides forecasts for key economic indicators for 2015 and offers…
The Open Data Readiness Asessment for the education sector in Moldova was carried out as part of the “Empowered Citizens Enhancing Accountability of the Education Reform and Quality of Education in Moldova” initiative. The project…
The press release in available only in Romanian.
The National Human Development Report (NHDR) 2014 highlights the role of the private sector in Moldova’s human development. It reveals that a strong private sector is key to the country’s sustainable human development and that…
This publication is only available in Romanian.
The purpose of this study is to highlight the most important features and phenomena related to tax administration in the Republic of Moldova. The study focuses on four major areas: to clarify the concept of…
This article is only available in Romanian.

Real Economy from October 2014 (#50)

Tuesday, 04 November 2014 Published in Publications
This publication is only available in Romanian.
In 2013, the Republic of Moldova experienced an impressive economic performance: the 8.9% growth in the gross domestic product (GDP) was the highest in its modern history and places the country as one of the…
This publication is only available in Romanian.

Real Economy from September 2014 (#48)

Thursday, 25 September 2014 Published in Publications
Authors: Adrian Lupușor, Alexandru Fala,
This publication is only available in Romanian.
This article is only available in Romanian.
The full use of economic opportunities offered by the European Union Association Agreement requires imminent alignment with the European legislation, which implies application of technical regulations and progressive adoption of the European Standards (EN), as…
This article is only available in Romanian.
The study assesses the perspectives of alternative export markets for Moldovan products that were restricted in Russian Federation, in order contribute to the optimization of Moldova’s export geography and to reduce the medium term risks.…
Economiile din dreapta și stânga Nistrului continuă să se distanțeze reciproc, fapt ce va complica implementarea prevederilor Acordului de Asociere cu UE pe teritoriul regiunii transnistrene.Conform ultimelor date disponibile, pe parcursul trimestrului 2 al anului…
According to the July edition of the Real Economy, Moldovan economy shows continuous sings of a pronounced shift towards the EU market. In the first five months of the year, exports to the EU increased…
Asociaţia pentru Democraţie Participativă ADEPT şi Centrul Analitic Independent EXPERT-GRUP prezintă o nouă ediție a publicației trimestriale „EUROMONITOR”, în care sunt descrise principalele evoluții și provocări în implementarea Planului de Acțiuni UE-Moldova în perioada aprilie-iulie…
Regional Economic Review: Transnistrian region marks the launch of a new analytical product by EXPERT-GRUP, which analyzes the economic evolution of the regions of the Republic of Moldova. The first issue offers an insight on the economy…
The Association Agreement undoubtedly marks a higher level in the bilateral relations between our country and the European Union. This will grant Moldovan products a larger access towards the EU market and will involve a large-scale…
It is important to mention that the Republic of Moldova has made significant progress in the past ten years in the area of child protection in Moldova. Having recognized this, the declared scope of this…
Publication preview (the full version is only available in Romanian). This year signaled a continuously worsening economic situation in Moldova. According to our estimates from the previous issues of the publication, Moldova's economy constantly slows…
De la 1 ianuarie 2015, vor intra în vigoare o serie de amendamente importante la Legea privind finanțele publice locale, scopul cărora este de a spori autonomia financiară și funcțională a administrației publice locale. Această…
Biroul Național de Statistică a realizat în perioada iunie 2011 - mai 2012 cercetarea statistică ”Utilizarea Timpului în Republica Moldova” cu suportul Programului Naţiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare (PNUD), Entităţii Naţiunilor Unite pentru Egalitatea de Gen…
Budget transparency relates to how citizens participate and contribute to decision making on budgeting and how the expenditure is incurred. Analyzing the situation in Chișinău's Local Council, we found that the level of budget transparency in…
In modern economies, more and more goods and services are purchased by government from the private market. Losses arising from procurement seriously affect infrastructure development and public services, leading to deterioration of the business environment…
The quarterly report on monitoring the progress in the implementation of EUMAP between January and March 2014 has been produced as part of the joint project “EU-Moldova relations – monitoring progress within the framework of…
Q2-2014. Divergence process between the two economies from both Dniester banks continues. According to the latest data available, in Q1-2014, the convergence index, computed by EXPERT-GRUP, continued its negative trend started in 2013, caused by…

Real Economy for April 2014 (#45)

Tuesday, 29 April 2014 Published in Publications
Publication preview (the full version is only available in Romanian) Some worrying trends for Moldovan economy were outlined in the reviewed period. Therefore, during the first three months of this year, the Economic Leading Indicator…
Independent Think-Tank EXPERT-GRUP presents the findings of its 10th issue of the Moldova Economic Growth Analysis (MEGA), which analyzes the evolution of the Moldovan economy in 2013 and the beginning of 2014, explains the key…
The 2013 review for Euromonitor features the most important actions beheld by authorities in each of the monitored sectors within the Moldova-EU Action plan in 2013. Based on 2013 exercise, the entire 2005-2013 was evaluated.…
In the 4th quarter of 2013, 5 Reports of the Court of Accounts related to public funds management and audit were published. This report especially covers 4 of them: Audit report from the local authorities…
Moldovan economy continued to improve in February 2014.  Economic Leading Indicator maintained its ascending trend in Junuary 2014. The increase was determined mainly by the evolution of exports, internal consumption and credit activity. Nonetheless, several…
In the last decade, the importance of the work labor force and its impact on 'the economic has grown substantially. This study aims to contribute at examination of the place of migration on the economic…
Moldovan economy continues to grow, but some internal and external risks persist. In December 2013, the Economic Leading Indicator (ELI) continued its ascending trend, with a 2.4% increase from the previous month (100.9 from 98.5…
We are happy to announce the launching of Transnistrian Economic Review - a quarterly publication that will seek to identify the most important political and economic evolutions in the eastern districts of Moldova. Its readers'…
Evolutions of the last years at „Banca de Economii” (Savings Bank of Moldova) stresses out the poor management practices at state companies, uninspired political decisions and carelessness of the public institutions. The political decision of…
In the 3rd quarter of 2013, 17 Reports of the Court of Accounts related to public funds management and audit were published. This report especially covers 4 reports: Audit Reports from the National Clinical Hospitcal…

Moldovan Economic Review for 2013

Friday, 27 December 2013 Published in Publications
This is the sixth annual economic review developed by Independent Think-Tank EXPERT-GRUP. By far, similar reviews were made between 2008-2012, aimed to offer our readers a comprehensive look over the major economic evolutions of the…
National Bank of Moldova (NBM) is the main public institution responsible with setting the monetary policy and maintaining price stability. Therefore, its importance is indubitable, and NBM's politics have a major impact over the life…
The aim of this Analytical Note is to present an independent opinion on how the Budget Law draft for 2014 reflects the priorities and development necessities of the Republic of Moldova. The materials exposed in…
Moldovan economy keeps recovering, but not quickly enough. In October, the Economic Leading Indicator (ELI) increased by 2 points compared to the previous month (98.9 compared to 96.9 points), highlighting a continuation of the ascending…
Programme budgeting is important because it shows a clear relationship between resources allocated and the objectives to be achieved and results. Also, the efficiency indicators that form the budget require a specified level of effectiveness…
Transparency of the budget process is an important aspect of the decision making process that requires separate attention based on an holistic approach to the budget cycle. Transparency in the decision making process including the…

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