
Bugetul orașului Călărași pentru anul 2019

Thursday, 17 January 2019 Published in Publications
Authors: Eugen Ghilețchi,
Veniturile la bugetul orașului Călărași provin din două surse: veniturile proprii și transferurile de la bugetul de stat. Din 36,4 milioane lei pe care primăria orașului planifică să le încaseze în anul 2019, 19,5 milioane…
Increasing cashless payments Cash is the instrument due to which corruption exists. Cash anonymity, impossibility to identify its source, and non-traceability of cash transactions are the reasons why beneficiaries of corruption depend directly on the…

Banking performance ranking, November 2018

Friday, 11 January 2019 Published in Publications
Authors: Dumitru Pîntea,
The banking performance ranking and the application is available only in Romanian.  Financed by Sweden 
Top 5 Positive and Negative Trends of 2018 and Top 5 Economic Challenges for 2019 The 2018 economic year was marked by the mix between some positive economic trends, which were rather shallow, and negative…
Costs and risks of corruption are triggered by social norms, traditions, the existing legal framework and impunity. Conditions other than the legal rules are also required to control corruption, but those conditions are sometimes beyond…
Major Economic Evolutions in 2018 In 2018 the Moldovan economy generally developed as forecast, but new risks emerged. Our estimates show that GDP increased by 4.2% - 4.6%, on a broad basis which included almost…
Public procurement is an area that is highly exposed to corruption risks. Corruption risks proliferate in this area due to the huge amounts allocated by the Government for the procurement of goods, services and works.…
Prezentul document reprezintă un studiu comparat al opțiunilor de politici publice pentru asigurarea substanțelor minerale utile necesare la reabilitarea drumurilor din Republica Moldova, în corespundere cu obiectivele de eficiență, diminuarea impactului asupra mediului și a…

Banking performance ranking, October 2018

Friday, 30 November 2018 Published in Publications
Authors: Dumitru Pîntea,
The banking performance ranking and application is available only in Romanian.  Financed by Sweden
This book contains the first comprehensive and independent comparative assessment of the fundamental political challenges facing Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in the context of their Association Agreements with the EU. Issues analysed in depth include…
This Handbook, now in its second edition, represents the most comprehensive and independent assessment of the Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) between the Moldova. It is one of a Trilogy…
Veniturile la bugetul orașului Soroca provin din două surse: veniturile proprii și transferurile de la bugetul de stat. Venitul planificat de orașul Călărași pentru anul 2019, distribuit pe cap de locuitor reprezintă 1,581 lei. Veniturile…
Scopul prezentului studiu este efectuarea unei analize detaliate a modului în care au fost alocate resursele din bugetul de stat pe diferite proiecte de investiții, spre autoritățile locale pentru a identifica eventualele manifestări de clientelism…
The publication is available only in Romanian.   Financed by the Swedish Government
Starting with the end of 2014, the national financial system was subjected to one of the most severe crises with direct implications on the national economy and the entire society. Even if the Government through…
Against a difficult economic and political background, DCFTA succeeded in generating the first tangible results, and the EU strengthened its position as the main selling market for Moldova. If we analyze the period between 2015-2017…
Why do we need banks to be managed professionally and fairly? Banking institutions play a crucial role by transferring resources from those who save money to those who invest, thus supporting the economic activity and…
In a globalized world with cross-border financial transactions, foreign countries’ poor legal frameworks may pose risks to the national territory and local crime prevention. The international community has been developing international conventions and standards to…

Banking performance ranking, September 2018

Tuesday, 30 October 2018 Published in Publications
Authors: Dumitru Pîntea,
The banking performance ranking and application is available only in Romanian.  Financed by Sweden
Municipal enterprises managers across the country considered at the beginning of 2018 that corruption is the least important problem in the entities they managed. In the last two years only the National Anticorruption Center registered 25…
The credibility of institutions and of the Government as a whole remained a fundamental issue undermining the state of the country, without sizable improvements since 2016-2017. Authorities have not given up on the deficient policies criticised…

Money laundering in Moldova

Monday, 15 October 2018 Published in Publications
Authors: Sergiu Gaibu,
Developing countries are more vulnerable than developed ones to money laundering because of high corruption, poor institutional processes, and weak controls in state institutions. Moldova is no exception. In recent years, the country has become…
The Role of State-Owned Companies State-owned companies are entities through which the Government assumes the role of an active player in the economy. The Government can set up companies to achieve various objectives, such as…
How does corruption influence social inequality? In any economy income is distributed unevenly, but the extent of inequality varies largely from a country to another and could lead to disastrous consequences if it reaches excessive…

Banking performance ranking, August 2018

Friday, 05 October 2018 Published in Publications
Authors: Dumitru Pîntea,
The banking performance ranking and application is available only in Romanian.   Financed by Sweden
Legislation and regulations - the foundation of the citizen - civil servant relationship Corruption flourishes when state bureaucracy is not restricted, however it can be significantly limited if the laws are streamlined and specific. Legislation and…
Economic dynamics remains positive, but many risks persist. The Early Warning Index (EWI), calculated quarterly by Expert-Grup, after a downward trend, in Q2:18 reached the resistance level and stabilized. EWI negative growth during Q2-Q4:17 signaled…
On 27 July 2018, the Parliament of Moldova adopted one of the most controversial laws that rang alarm bells among a large part of civil society and further undermined the relations with the country’s development…

Banking performance ranking, July 2018

Tuesday, 04 September 2018 Published in Publications
Authors: Dumitru Pîntea,
The banking performance ranking and application is available only in Romanian.  Financed by Sweden
Civil society organizations, signatory hereto, express their concern and condemn the adoption of the new draft law (no. 284) on voluntary declaration and fiscal facilitation, which essentially represents a new attempt to amnesty the capital…
The size, severity and public nature of recent bank frauds presses on the need to continue reforms in the national financial system and to rethink the model in which financial institutions operate. Considering that any…

Banking performance ranking, June 2018

Wednesday, 25 July 2018 Published in Publications
Authors: Dumitru Pîntea,
The banking performance ranking and application is available only in Romanian
This article is only available in Romanian Read here the comment  Financed by Sweden
Non-observed economy and corruption are closely linked and fuel one another. The spread of corruption in public institutions allows economic operators to avoid paying their taxes and then escape punishment. At the same time, corruption…
How Is the Citizens’ Intention to Pay Taxes Measured?  Tax morality is ”the moral obligation to pay taxes” and represents „people’s conviction that they contribute to the development of the society by paying taxes”. In fact,…
Corruption without limits: from public sector to the banking sector With the aim of mobilizing available resources from depositors and orienting them towards investors, banks have a decisive role in supporting and developing the economic environment.…

Banking performance ranking, may 2018

Wednesday, 27 June 2018 Published in Publications
Authors: Dumitru Pîntea,
The banking performance ranking and application is available only in Romanian.
Despite the positive economic dynamics, the trends that could endanger the economic growth are getting stronger. The Early Warning Index (EWI), calculated quarterly by Expert-Grup, posted a downward trend and remained below 0 in Apr:18.…
Globally, the phrase ‘money laundering’ means the process of hiding the origin of money obtained from certain crimes, while avoiding the legal consequences for those who committed these crimes. Money laundering is often associated with…
 The proximity of state-owned companies to political factors and economic interest in public assets create a favourable environment for corruption, which justifies a rigorous and uniform approach to everything related to state-owned companies. The State…

Banking Performance Ranking, April 2018

Thursday, 24 May 2018 Published in Publications
Authors: Dumitru Pîntea,
The banking performance ranking and the application is available only in Romanian.
După acțiunile imediate de stabilizare a sectorului bancar din perioada 2014 – 2015 un amplu proces de reformă a fost demarat. În concordanță cu angajamentele asumate față de partenerii de dezvoltare, reformele s-au extins și…
În luna martie 2016, legea privind întreprinderea de stat a fost modificată, cu includerea unui nou capitol cu privire la dezvăluirea informației. În rezultat, pînă la data de 30 mai a anului 2017, circa 80…
This note is made public in the context in which the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research (MECR) of Moldova examines at present the recommendations regarding the school uniform and requests opinions through an online…

Banking performance ranking, March 2018

Wednesday, 25 April 2018 Published in Publications
Authors: Dumitru Pîntea,
The banking performance ranking and application is available only in Romanian.  Financed by Sweden. 
National economy is approaching an unfavorable equilibrium, marked by low growth rates. In spite of favorable conditions (good agricultural year, re-launch of external assistance, increase in external demand and increase in remittances), the Gross Domestic…
Independent Think-Tank Expert-Grup invites all those interested at the conference MEGA “Economic perspectives in an electoral year”. The event will take place on April 25, 2018, starting at 10.00 am, at the Jolly Alon Hotel,…
How Corruption Does Manifests Itself in Public Procurement? Public procurement refers to the acquisition of certain goods, works or services by public authorities. In fact, the state runs a process of public procurements in order…
This article is only available in Romanian.
Everyone, at some point, needs a bank, whether for a loan, for a deposit, a salary account or a counter payment. Nonetheless, not all of us understand how a bank works and what is its…
This article is only available in Romanian.
This article is only available in Romanian.

Banking performance rating - December 2017

Friday, 02 February 2018 Published in Publications
This article is only available in Romanian.
Only half of the actions covered by the Priority Reform Action Roadmap were implemented. By the deadline for implementation of the Roadmap, its level of implementation was estimated to about 55%. Of the 51 planned…
Cadrul legal privind transparența bugetară nu este un impediment crucial în alinierea la bunele practici. Chiar dacă conține câteva constrângeri, cadrul general cu privire la transparență, poate fi îmbunătățit prin abordări mai pro-active cu privire…

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