Measuring progress towards green economy in the Republic of Moldova

Views: 14345
Implementation period: January 2014 – June 2014
Funded by: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Project goal: Providing  input to the development and testing of a national set of green growth indicators in Moldova, based on the OECD set, and the experience gained from testing this set in other OECD and non-OECD countries.
Main tasks
  • development of the outline for an indicator-based report,proceeding from a generic outline that will be provided by the OECD secretariat and consultations with key stakeholders;
  • data collection, verification and analysis for relevant indicators that are already in use (or could be derived from existing indicators);
  • development of a draft report, including recommendations, based on data analysis;
  • conducting consultations on the draft report, collecting written comments and amending the report, where relevant;
  • finalisation and publication of the report in English and Romanian;
  • conducting a communication campaign to launch the report;
  • providing feedback on indicators that need to be elaborated in the future. 
Purpose and scope of the pilot report on GGIs

The pilot report will aim to provide a concise, evidence-based picture of progress toward green economy development in the Republic of Moldova. The report will attempt to shed light on the following questions:

  • Have production and consumption patterns in Moldova been improving over the last two decades in terms of environmental and resource productivity?
  • Is there a risk of shocks to growth and social development stemming from qualitative and quantitative alterations of the natural asset base, the deterioration of its services, and environmental pressures more generally?
  • Do current policies result in a better environmental quality of life for all?
  • Are existing measures to open up new sources of growthand promote green growth effective? Do they correspond to good international practice?
  • How could policies be adapted to promote green growth in the country’s context?
Project impact
The project will develop a road map for the adaptation of the OECD set of Green Growth Indicators (GGIs) to specific Moldavian needs and contexts.

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