
Corruption, political clientelism and the low capacity of public authorities to respond adequately to the needs of citizens are the key factors that continue to impact the low level of development of the Republic of…
Considering the extent of the pandemic hitting the majority of the EU’s Eastern neighbours and exacerbating existing socio-economic problems and political grievances, the EaP leaderships find themselves under extreme pressure. The effectiveness of governments in…
While many countries, including those in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood, started to lift the anti-coronavirus preventive measures, the political, social, and economic consequences of the pandemic remain yet to be seen. It is already apparent…
Due to unforeseen circumstances regarding the COVID-19, we are sorry to inform you that the 2020 Annual Forum on Participatory Budgeting, scheduled for April 2, 2020 is currently postponed. The date of the event will…
Centrul Analitic Independent „Expert-Grup” vă invită să participați la evenimentul de prezentare a studiului „Viziune de alternativă privind combaterea evaziunii fiscale și promovarea complianței fiscale în Moldova în baza experimentelor comportamentale” în cadrul căruia vor fi…
Independent Think-Tank ”Expert-Grup” invites all those interested to the XXIth edition of the conference MEGA “Conclusions of the economic year 2019. Economic forecasts for 2020”. The event will take place on January 30, 2020, starting…
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