
Profilul demografic al raionului Ialoveni

Tuesday, 06 December 2022 Published in Publications
Authors: Ecaterina Rusu,
Dezvoltarea echilibrată a regiunilor prin valorificarea potențialului disponibil, dar și creșterea standardelor de viață a populației trebuie să reprezinte obiectivul principal al politicilor de stat. Prin urmare, pentru a obține impactul scontat, politicile trebuie perfect…
În acest articol, relatăm despre importanța vectorului European pentru dezvoltarea durabilă a Republicii Moldova prin prisma datelor despre comerț extern, investiții și asistența externă. Actualmente, Uniunea Europeană reprezintă nu doar principalul partener comercial al Republicii…

Demographic profile of Balti municipality

Tuesday, 29 November 2022 Published in Publications
Authors: Marina Soloviova,
The article is available only in Romanian.
The Article is avaialbly only in Romanian.
Policy brief. Towards Green Transformation of the Republic of Moldova. The Republic of Moldova (hereinafter “Moldova”) is vulnerable to shocks stemming from a model of economic growth that is poorly adapted to modern challenges and opportunities.…
The article is available only in Romanian.
Publication is available only in Romanian.
Since May 2022, the volume of external assistance received by Moldova’s public sector increased significantly compared to the first quarter of the year. According to the statistics published by the NBM, the public sector (Government,…
The article is available only in Romanian.
Article available only in Romanian.
The article is available only in Romanian.
În prezentul studiu noi am descris, din perspectiva Republicii Moldova, consecințele comportamentului corupțional în vamă și formele pe care le poate lua corupția în cadrul administrării vamale. De asemenea, am evaluat situația actuală în Republica…

5 myths about external debt

Wednesday, 20 July 2022 Published in Publications
Authors: Marina Soloviova,
The article is available only in Romanian.
The Republic of Moldova is facing a perfect storm composed of rising energy and food prices, high inflationary expectations ahead of the winter season when gas prices reach maximum highs, war at the border that…
The article is available only in Romanian.
The article is available only in Romanian.
Since the start of the Open Budget Survey, most governments in Eastern Europe and Central Asia have committed to enhancing budget transparency and have intensified their efforts to disclose documents and data and embed transparency…
The article is available only in Romanian.
Moldova has improved public access to budget information, according to the International Budget Partnership’s Open Budget Survey 2021.   Moldova’s transparency score increased from 57 in 2019 to 65 in 2021. This means that citizens have…
The Republic of Moldova signed the request to join EU on the second week after the Russian invasion in Ukcraine. This was a logical step for a country looking for a peace and development anchor…
The article is available only in Romanian.
The article is available only in Romanian.
The article is available only in Romanian.
What cannot be measured, cannot be improved. The green growth indicators provide a reliable and comprehensive set of tools for measuring the environmental footprint of economic activities. They track progress towards greening the economy, provide…
In 2021, the Republic of Moldova recorded the highest GDP growth rate over the past three decades. While there are some structural improvements, this growth should not be the reason for an exaggerated optimism. After…
The opinion is available only in Romanian.
Cele mai importante evoluții economice și sociale pozitive din 2021 țin de recuperarea economică rapidă după recesiunea din 2020, care a permis creșterea încasărilor fiscale și consolidarea bugetară. Pot fi scoase în evidență și soluționarea „crizei gazelor”…
Informal or unobserved economy or consists of economic activities that are not officially registered, which can be done on purpose in order to extract certain benefits (hidden production and/or tax evasion) or can be result…
  After 30 years of independence, the Republic of Moldova still falls short of its potential as a nation, a country or state. From the perspective of each of these three concepts, the Republic of Moldova…
Corruption, political clientelism, and the low institutional capacity of public authorities to adequately respond to people’s needs are factors that continue to determine the low development level of the Republic of Moldova. These issues are…
This publication is available only in Romanian. The English version will be posted soon.
În Republica Moldova, vulnerabilitățile care caracterizează anumite grupuri de persoane constituie o provocare majoră, în contextul lacunelor unui sistem de protecție socială ajustat necesităților specifice acestor grupuri. Din cauza impactului negativ al crizei pandemice din…
The field of environment is a basic pillar of sustainable development, being an indispensable part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Association Agreement with the European Union - two strategic international agendas…

Deepening EU - Moldovan Relations

Monday, 18 October 2021 Published in Publications
Authors: Denis Cenușă, Michael Emerson,
This Handbook seeks to explain the contents of a long and complex legal treaty – the Association Agreement, which includes a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) – between the Republic of Moldova and…

Investor's Guide to Municipal Bonds

Monday, 09 August 2021 Published in Publications
This article is available only in Romanian. 
The current policy brief attempts to present a set of guidelines (“mechanisms”) that can facilitate the injection of the resilience logic into the actions of the EU towards one of the Eastern Partnership countries -…
This article is available only in Romanian.
The early elections are over and its main beneficiary became the Action and Solidarity Party, which obtained 52.7% of the votes (63 out of 101 seats). It is correct to admit that President Maia Sandu's…
This article is available only in Romanian. 
This article is available only in Romanian. 
This article is available only in Romanian. 
  After July 11, 2021, Moldova will look different politically, if the reformist political parties win a comfortable majority (51 out of 101 seats). There are 23 participating parties in these elections, which is one…
The infographic is available only in the Romanian version.

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