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Wasting the public money: Court of Accounts reports on Subsidy Fund for agricultural producers and Fund for Energy Efficiency in 2013

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Publishing date: Monday, 23 February 2015
Views: 19822


One of the main findings of this Report is that the subsidies’ distribution is discriminatory. Inequitable allocation of financial resources occurs largely because of its poor formula, vague formulation and due violating its regulations.

Although agriculture subsidization has undergone several reforms in recent years, its vague formulation, violation of its conditions, limited competence of the public workers and beneficiaries had led to unregulated expenditures of at least 50 million lei, even though the losses did not exceed 1.7 million lei in 2013. In addition, the duality of interpretation and calculation put some doubts on grants totalling 150 million lei.

At the same time, access to these subsidies still remains limited – only 0.3% of land owners benefit from them and so far, no viable solution has been identified in order to increase the pool of beneficiaries.

Energy Efficiency Fund also faces accessibility, institutional and competence issues. In addition, the Fund is inconsistent with the national policies in energy. Although this institution is critically important for Moldova – a highly energy dependent country, the number of its beneficiaries is extremely small.


See full report in Romanian

Tags: Natalia Chitii


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